General Information
- Production title:Te Deum et Grands Motets pour le Roy - Chapelle de la Trinité (2020)
- Creation date:13/03/2020
- Work - Composer:Te Deum (Charpentier) - Marc-Antoine Charpentier
- Opera house:Chapelle de la Trinité
Te Deum by Marc-Antoine Charpentier and Grands Motets by Henry Du Mont.
Cast :
Caroline Weynants, Caroline Dangin-Bardot, Danaé Monnié dessus
David Tricou, Marie Pouchelon bas-dessus/hautes-contre
Davy Cornillot, Antonin Rondepierre tailles
Etienne Bazola, René Ramos Premier basses-tailles
Jaromír Nosek basses
More information is available on the official website of theGrands Concerts.
Canceled following measures linked to Covid-19.
February 13, 2020 20:00:00